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a night slept in the tent in the garden

wednesday 1st - thursday 2nd april

When we sleep we engage in an unconscious conversation between our body and our given environment. 


I was interested in moving outside of the house an engaging in my greater domestic realm, and the unfolding situations that occur at night while I sleep. I created two diagrammatic mappings, before I went to sleep and as soon as I woke up. These notations focused on my auditory experience, practicing a sensory attentiveness to deepen my engagement. The tent became a tool for intensifying this auditory experience, as I was visually cut off from what I was hearing and mark making. 


In this intervention I am responding to a mental disconnect humans may have to our environment and the reality of the physical and mental vulnerability we have with our living environment. This vulnerability is more overtly understood in extreme situations like natural disasters. 

video filmed during am drawing

click bottom right corner to hear 

wednesday 1st april

10:37pm audio notation from tent

thursday 2nd april 

7: 25 audio observation from tent

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